In Focus
New ruling for the VAT treatment of personal use of BUSINESS assets (which became popular as “weekend tax”)
Issue 17 / January 2016
Changes in the list of states and territories qualified as ‘jurisdictions with a preferential tax regime’ under Bulgarian law
Issue 16 / January 2016
Council of Europe / OECD Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters signed by Bulgaria
Issue 15 / October 2015
Bulgaria will join the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters
Issue 14 / July 2015
A new standard form of the Declaration under Art. 88 of the Corporate Income Taxation Act (CITA) for amendments of advance payments and under Art.87a, para 2 and 3 of CITA for initial declaring of quarterly advance payments
Issue 13 / April 2015
New standard form of the Declaration under Art. 49, para 3 of the Local Taxes and Charges Act on determination of tax in the cases of acquisition of property for no consideration
Issue 12 / December 2014
Ruling No 3 of 10 March 2014 of the Ministry of Finance – declaring of transactions with associated parties
Issue 11 / March 2014
The Supreme Administrative Court, the Sofia Municipal Council and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria about the substance and the amount of the garbage charge
Issue 9 / October 2013
Right to deduction of input VAT for expenditures related to hired employees
Issue 8 / August 2013
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